Embassy of

Guidelines for NO VISA REQUIRED (NVR)

“No Visa Required” seal is applicable for foreign citizens with Bangladesh origin and their family members (spouse and children). Persons having NVR seals on their passports enjoy multiple entries into Bangladesh with no restriction on duration of stay within the validity of the passport. This Embassy can issue NVR seal to applicants holding Danish, Estonian and Icelandic citizens with Bangladesh origin.  

For Bangladeshi citizen holding foreign passport

  • Duly filled-in NVR form (www.visa.gov.bd)
  • Bangladeshi passport and Foreign valid passports
  • Copy of the passports 
  • Copy of NVR seal in old foreign passport(in appropriate case)
  • Photographs (Size: 37mmX37mm and recent one): 02 copies
  • Payment for NVR seal to be sent in Danish Krone (DKK) through on-line bank transfer

For the children of Bangladesh nationals:

  • Duly filled-in NVR form (www.visa.gov.bd)
  • Child’s Birth Certificate
  • Child's valid passport and copy of passport
  • Passport of the child(ren)’s father or mother having NVR seal
  • Two copies of passport-size photographs
  • Payment for NVR seal has to be made only in Danish Krone (DKK) through on-line bank transfer

For spouses of foreign origin:

  • Duly filled-in NVR form (www.visa.gov.bd)
  • Notarized copy of the marriage certificate ( translated copy if not in English)
  • Copy of Spouse's passport with NVR seal
  • Valid passport along with its photocopy
  • Photographs (Size: 37mmX37mm and recent one): 02 copies
    Bangladesh passport/ National ID/Birth certificate (17 digit)/Foreign old passport having NVR seal
  • Payment for NVR seal has to be made only in Danish Krone (DKK) through on-line bank transfer
  • Please note that spouse/children (holding only foreign passport) of a Bangladeshi citizen will require clearance from the Ministry of Home Affairs for obtaining NVR seal. For details please read the NVR policy here

Processing Fee:

DKK 560.00  (Five hundred Sixty Danish Kroner), non-refundable 

Bank details:

Name of the Account: Embassy of Bangladesh
Reg. No: 4001, Account Number (DKK Account): 11649750
IBAN: DK7230000011649750, SWIFT-address: DABADKKK
Bank Address:  Danske Bank, Holmens Kanal 2-12, DK-1092, Copenhagen K., Denmark

Applicant intending to receive his/her passport back before date of delivery and without endorsement of NVR seal is requested to kindly apply in writing on plain paper. No processing fee will be refunded.


Consular hours for submitting applications for NVR are from 10.00 hrs to 12.00 hrs during work days. Passports are delivered between 14.00 to 16.00. Five (05) working days are normally required for processing NVR seal (Except the cases to be forwarded to the Ministry of Home Affairs, Dhaka), provided all necessary papers are submitted.